Who are we?
ClevvGarde develops and edits Serious Games in health care. It was founded in march 2019 by Jonathan Coviaux, former student in fourth year medical student that reoriented in computer programming.
Since 2020, we are developing Sim2C inside a partnership with the hospital and the medical faculties of Toulouse.
Learn more of Sim2C by clicking here!
The team
Developers with video games and gameplay programing experience, for a well crafted playful aspect, key component of Serious Games.
A direction team with experience in two key domains: medical science and health care, and developement and programmation of video games.
The Stategic Orientation Board
Three experts whose advices guide the company towards the needs of the heath care world and a good, stable:
Pr. Daniel Rougé, former dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Toulouse
Jean-Jacques Romatet, former director of the hospitals of Toulouse and Marseille
Dr. Frédéric Daumas, entrepreneur, coach and BA